Monthly Fetish Social
Our Monthly Fetish Social is an opportunity for like minded kinky and fetish folk to come together to enjoy a meal, a beverage, and a friendly chat. They are held on the second Saturday of each month with the exception of November where we substitute the Social for the Welcome Drinks for GEAR’d.
The socials are an opportunity to get to meet others within the community in a friendly environment where there is nothing sexual or “play” focussed, but still with the added ability to express your fetish side wearing public appropriate fetish attire.
These events were known in the past as “Pub Night” but evolved to reflect the more welcoming environment and inclusive nature where the focus was on social connections, knowledge sharing, having an opportunity to wear your favourite gear, and not the pub environment.
AL&F Fetish Socials are open and welcoming of all sexualities, genders, and expressions. All that is asked is that attire is public appropriate, that consent and respect to others and their property be abided by, and that if you have any questions or concerns that you reach out to an AL&F committee member.
2025 Dates
January 11
February 8
March 8
April 12
May 10
June 14
July 12
August 9
September 13
October 11
November – to be confirmed
December 13